West Country Beer Goggles

One of the holidays that David and I took was a week at Skewjack in Cornwall. It was a surfing holiday; we went to the beach twice, once for half an hour. The rest of the time we seemed to spend drinking beer & tea and eating cream teas. That’s me in the left lens and David in […]

The Berber Children

Sometime in the early 80s David, Paul Hitchin, Paul McKenzie and I went to Camp Africa Morocco. One of the trips passed by a Berber village where we got out of the coach to experience some gold old fashioned hustling. Why is this picture included here? That’s David in the background, with the camera.

Park Gate in the sunshine (with beer)

For quite a few years David, Paul and I spent our summer Saturdays travelling about drinking beer. This was taken on the harbour wall at Parkgate using the timer on my camera. I did this quite a lot which is why so many pictures feature everyone laughing. My rush back to be in front of […]

I was asked….

I was asked to do something about sharing my collection of old photographs. This isn’t actually one of mine, it was sent to me by Mac. It seemed an appropriate one to start with. I’ve tagged some of the people in this but I’d be grateful for help with the faces I don’t recognise (or […]